Eyebetes Foundation

Diabetes & Preventive Blindness

Eyebetes Foundation is an accredited charitable foundation with 80G, 12A and CSR-1 accreditation.

Founded by Dr. Nishant Kumar, Dr. Shishir Kumar and Prof. Minakshi Kumar, in a short span of 5 years Eyebetes has become one of India’s largest charitable initiatives against diabetes and preventable blindness.

Vision for Eyebetes

In the next 10 years Eyebetes Foundation wants to create awareness about diabetes and preventable blindness among 10 million of the most vulnerable Indians and provide free screening for diabetes and preventable blindness to 1 million of the most vulnerable in our communities.

Work Done by Eyebetes Foundation

Eyebetes Foundation is completely dependent on donations through CSR, corporate grants and private donations to conduct all our charitable work.
Eyebetes is one of India’s Largest Charitable Initiative that focuses on the most pressing Public Health Emergencies in India – Diabetes and Preventable Blindness.

The 3 main objectives of the foundation are:

Creating awareness regarding diabetes and preventable blindness

Eyebetes Foundation conducts door-to-door surveys, distributes educational leaflets, organizes campaigns through the newspapers and also has a large number of celebrities who act as our ambassadors to create awareness regarding diabetes and preventable blindness.

Conducting Eyebetes projects in the community to provide screening for diabetes and preventable causes of blindness and provide free prescription glasses

Over the years Eyebetes Foundation has been conducting projects in the slums, villages and tribal areas where the most vulnerable population live, where healthcare resources and economic resources are scarce, are provided free screening for diabetes and preventable causes of blindness and also prescribed free prescription glasses.

We also work with frontline workers, especially junior frontline police personnel in Mumbai and Maharashtra.

Our teams work relentlessly in these very-difficult-to-get-to areas, and using state-of-the-art technology and expert doctors, nurses, opticians and imaging technicians, provide free screening for diabetes and preventable causes of blindness.

In addition, anyone requiring prescription glasses (distance, near or bifocal) are prescribed these glasses to make sure that they get the best vision they can possibly achieve.

We have a team who scrutinizes all our initiatives with regard to quality control and 1 month after every project is completed, every individual who has benefitted from the project is contacted to ensure that they have received the glasses and their blood results and that they are wearing their glasses as well as taken the action on any abnormal blood results or vision results, which may have been given to them.


Eyebetes Foundation works with leading scientists across India and across the world to use the data that we collect regarding awareness and the results of our screening initiatives in our villages, slums and tribal areas to help guide public policy.

We have partnered with ICMR, PGI – Chandigarh and epidemiologists from Singapore and the UK to ensure that all our projects are done in a scientifically sound method and in that all the results can be interpreted scientifically to help with policy decisions. All our results are shared with the respective government organizations to help the local communities, which we serve.